Monday, September 2, 2013

ELCA Gun Actions

I reviewed the ELCA synodical assembly action reports of 52 of 65 synods in THE LUTHERAN magazine relative to actions on gun violence.  Here are the actions:

SIERRA PACIFIC: Affirmed the moral imperative to reduce violence, death, and injury caused by guns.

PACIFICA: Memorialized the ELCA Churchwide Assembly to promote a culture of nonviolence through education and advocacy for background checks for all gun sales "regardless of point of origin."

NORTH/WEST LOWER MICHIGAN: Encouraged its members to explore "ways and means, including comprehensive background checks, to lessen and limit gun violence."

SOUTHWEST CALIFORNIA: Encourage members to contact elected officials to support "responsible control of deadly weapons, background checks for all gun sales, greater action toward issues of mental health and domestic violence...."

NEW JERSEY: Affirmed anti-gun violence action by advocating for closing gaps in the background check systems; prohibiting large capacity ammunition magazines, and encouraging common sense, comprehensive legislative approaches to gun violence.

WESTERN NORTH DAKOTA: Established "gun free zones," prohibiting individuals from carrying concealed weapons within synod churches.

VIRGINIA: Postponed indefinitely a resolution calling for action on gun violence.  Referred to a synod council committee a resolution that requested advocacy for the restriction of the sale of military-style assault weapons and for the mandatory background checks on gun buyers.

NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Defeated a resolution on gun violence.

ST. PAUL AREA SYNOD: (For the record, these actions were not mentioned in THE LUTHERAN synodical report even though the assembly voted to support them by 84%) Support for common sense gun safety laws, encourage congregations to contact their elected officials in St. Paul and Washington to support common sense gun safety actions to include the banning of assault rifles, elimination of high capacity ammunition clips, instituting universal background checks, closing gun show loophole, creating a national database to track movement and sale of firearms, expanded mental health checks, increasing penalties for carrying guns near school;s or giving guns to minors, separate criminal offenses for gun trafficking, hiring more agents, and elimination of the sale of armor piercing bullets.  Synodical leadership was urged to communicate synodical support for this resolution to appropriate elected state and national officials.

Now what?  Resolutions give moral force for action.  Congregations can cite them for study and response.  Resolutions give congregations and leadership "cover" for action: "The call to action didn't come from me but from the synod!"  Resolutions widen influence for change.  Permission is granted to address change.  A mandate is demanded.  We are not alone.  The strength of the Community of Christ has spoken.  We can act with courage.  The Church has our backs.

Synodical leadership must continue to be vocal in support.  Congregations must seize the call to action that has been placed on the table and burned into our hearts.  Otherwise, resolutions are only words which assuage the conscience into noble intentions but no action.

What of the assemblies that took no action? Did not the carnage of Sandy Hook, Aurora, Columbine, Virginia Tech and numerous other tragedies mean anything?  Why the silence?  Why the defeats?  Why no action?  Why only a referral to a synodical committee?

What is your church leadership doing? What is your congregation doing?

The Church is graced with the power of the Holy Spirit revealing the transforming compassion and call to the peacemaking justice of the Christ. We can be of good courage, fearing nothing, trusting that Jesus has our backs.

Press on!

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