Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Matter of Balance

How we vote this November is A MATTER OF BALANCE. I am serving a congregation in a rural community that is also the county seat. In the middle of town square is the county courthouse. Atop the courthouse is a statue of "Lady Justice": blindfolded, holding a sword in one hand and a scale in the other. The points are that the state must at times wield a hard judgment for justice' sake, yet the judgment must be arrived at impartially, weighing all sides. Justice is sought in the weighing process. Justice is about BALANCE.

How we vote is a similar process. I voted for President Obama and other Democrat candidates. I am disappointed in some of his actions. I think he should have been more publicly supportive of a public option in the health care bill. I think he should have moved diligently to get us out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. I think the financial reform bill could have been stronger in preventing unbridled hedge fund and derivative action. I think Gitmo should have been shut down. I think DADT should have been put to rest. I think there should have been an immediate commitment to "jobs, jobs, jobs", with a major focus on infrastructure and clean energy projects. I think there should have been a strong push for environmental and clean energy action. I think there should have been a moratorium on foreclosures. I think there should have been a stronger movement towards immigration reform. I think President Obama should have been more like LBJ in arm twisting and political hard balling.

Likewise, I am disappointed in the few Democrat "blue dogs" who stood in the way of a more aggressive progressive agenda. Given the control of both houses of Congress and the Executive Branch, the Dems could have done better. An opportunity was shorted. Justice was too much denied.

Yet, ON BALANCE, much good was done to move the justice ball down the track. Consider the alternative! Yet, it is wrong to paint with too broad of a brush. The basic Democrat and Republican values are a good balance, WHEN THEY ARE IN BALANCE. However, when a side is so arbitrarily one sided in saying "No!" to nearly every legislative effort, one questions their concern for the country's well-being. The result is watered down results. How can one party be in such a blind lock step, finding little if any worth in programs of the other side? It is ideology run crazy! Individualism and the quest for profits for the able and powerful rule the day.

ON BALANCE, if the Republicans had been in control would we be drawing down in Iraq? Would there be financial reform? Would there be a vastly improved health care bill? Would GM have been bailed out? Would we have a progressive environmental and clean energy bill? Would DADT be moving towards legislative action? Would there have been a significant stimulus bill beyond the AIG and bank bailouts? Would there have been movement towards improving education? If the Supreme Court had not had a conservative majority would there have been a Citizens United decision? Would there have been positive movement towards immigration reform? Maybe, maybe not. But on BALANCE, I doubt it.

And now the Tea Party and the Rightward drift. What is the sense in proposing "Second Amendment" solutions and violent revolt against the government? What is the sense of continuing the flow of wealth to the highest 2% at the expense of the other 98%? What is the sense of unleashing anonymous corporate billions into an election system at the expense of "one person, one vote", all as the result of a most tragic Supreme Court decision? What is the sense of a seriously unregulated market? What is the sense of allowing corporations to outsource jobs for tax advantage and profit? What is the sense of unbridled individualism at the expense of the common good? What is the sense of a government when as a result of its actions is the rapid growth of armed militia movements?

ON BALANCE, the Tea Party and Republican Party actions have been unfriendly to "Lady Justice". ON BALANCE, the Democrat Party has been more friendly to "Lady Justice". Perfection is in the BALANCE. The BALANCE is seeing the big picture of who can lead us towards justice and peace? In my mind, the BALANCE tilts towards the Dems. Consider the future. Is it every person for themselves? Or, do we take care of each other?

This election is a MATTER OF BALANCE.


Monday, October 4, 2010


Our nation is at a fork in the road of its history. Go left and there is hope. Turn right and you go to crazy land. The Tea Party Right wants to shrink and abolish Social Security, cut back on Medicare and Medicaid, cut taxes for all people, shrink government, and turn the people loose to fend for themselves with this new found freedom. Basically it is human anarchy where everybody will do their thing and care little about anyone else other than how they can serve their needs. Abortion will be outlawed, gays denied civil rights, and sexual expression morally legislated. Global warming is only a blip. Energy needs? No problem! Drill, baby, drill! Rip off the mountains and mine that coal! Send more men into the earth, into the maw of unsafe mines, to get black lung disease, all to heat our homes and provide energy for our plasma televisions. Be sure to build a stronger military so we can continue being the "cops of the world" and control the oil flow. There will need to be some control over this crazy zoo, and the wealthy along with the military will be the arbiters of truth, justice, and the American Way. Fascism will reign. We are re-living Germany in the late 1920's and early 1930's. And all this will happen in the name of liberty and the Constitution. It is survival of the fittest. Charles Darwin would be proud.

Yet there is hope if we take the left road. We will bumble along, nip at each others' feet, and accuse each other of selling out our ideals. But we will stand for things that will be responsive to the needs of the common good. The Left will stand for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Global warming will be real and the need for energy independence affirmed. Education will be better, more students will be able to attend college. Consumers will be more fully protected. Small businesses will be able to get loans. More homes will be saved from foreclosure. Taxes will be higher, but that is the price to maintain the common good. We share the burdens and the joys.

All right, there is exaggeration on both roads. But on balance the roads are true. America is at a fork in the road.

What is a faith response? Christians are to act out of faith. Out of faith we are called to transform the world. We are the hands of Christ. The echoes of Bonhoeffer sound true: "We must take our share of responsibility for the shaping of the future". How can faith do the job? In Luke, Jesus says faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. True. So does the prophet Habakkuk in about 600 B.C.E. Habakkuk reveals facets of faith that address today's reality.

First, Habakkuk says faith COMPLAINS. "O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not listen? Or cry to you 'Violence' and you will not save? Why do you make me see wrongdoing and look at trouble?" Faith frees us to see reality, to see the truth. Faith is honest about life. Faith casts out fear because our trust is in the gracious God and not in the culture wars and ideologies of the moment. The faith of complaint dares to hold God accountable, and expects God to respond with might, mercy, and justice. Faith cries out for peace and justice, not profit and retribution. Faith speaks on behalf of the poor and vulnerable.

Second, Habakkuk says faith STANDS ON THE RAMPART. A rampart is a type of barricade used for battle, for offense and defense, for protection. Habakkuk says he will stand on the rampart to speak and act on behalf of the poor, the oppressed, the victims. In the book Les Miserables, it was a matter of pride to say that you stood on the rampart, on the barricade. He will fight for the right, for justice, to bring peace. Habakkuk will not be silent, but will engage the wrongs with the power of God the Just. Habakkuk will also watch for the coming of God, the judge, the deliverer. He knows God will arrive.

Third, Habakkuk says faith is WRITING THE VISION. God told Habakkuk to write the vision. The vision is twofold: First of all, it is judgment against those who treat people only as pawns for profit and make themselves lords of all. And secondly, it is a vision of God the Just engaging the situation with the promise of deliverance. Habakkuk lifts up the vision of God for the people of God. God is in charge, and therefore peace, justice, and mercy are the rights and goals of life. God's vision puts the preciousness of life first, and calls all of us to treat each other as a brother and sister, for the good of all so all can have enough.

How is our complaining? Certainly there is more than enough to go around. Are we sitting down rather than standing up? Do we stand on the rampart and fight for the poor, fight for the earth, fight for justice, fight for peace? Do we hold up the vision of God in Christ that life is about LOVE for Jesus, for all people, and for ourselves?

Habakkuk demonstrates a FAITH AT THE FORK. Like Jerusalem, America is crumbling. Yet, it is a fuller expression of FAITH in CHRIST that will lead us home.
