Hopeful Words-Hopeful Actions
I recall a WWII movie starring Richard Widmark, in which a common phrase served as motivation for action: "Hope is the mother of all men." At various times during battle, and as he lay dying on the battlefield, the character uttered these words.
Jurgen Moltmann tells the story of how he came to write A THEOLOGY OF HOPE. He was a captured German soldier living in a POW camp in England after the German surrender. He writes that his dreams for Germany lay in the ashes of Auschwitz. He felt hopeless. The turnaround happened when an Allied chaplain gave him a Holy Bible. As he read through the witness, the word HOPE became his light. In Christ was hope.
Certainly there is considerable evidence to validate hopelessness today, Yet, there are also considerable words and actions which yield hope.
The ELCA Churchwide Assembly this past August passed a resolution asking ELCA members, "consistent with their bound consciences," to ask their elected officials to pass legislation that promotes universal background checks, prevent gun trafficking, and require reporting of gun loss or theft to law enforcement. The ELCA is on public record. Yes, there is "wiggle room" to not take action. The ELCA has high respect for the individual conscience which can create ethical "mushiness." But it can also inspire, give permission, give cover for those who need cover, for action on gun violence prevention. HOPEFUL WORDS-HOPEFUL ACTION
Our congregation in Circle Pines, Minnesota, is hosting a RESPECTFUL CONVERSATION on "Guns in Minnesota." The event is sponsored by the Minnesota Council of Churches. To quote the MCC, "The focus will not be on changing minds, but on softening hearts while discussing a divisive issue in Minnesota. Join us to learn and practice how we can discuss this significant issue without disliking each other more, but instead by understanding each other better." Yes, I know this seems like a weasel-like approach, but keep in mind that the MCC sponsored 50 of these RCs last year focusing on discussing LGBT marriage in response to the anti-LGBT marriage amendment that was proposed for the Minnesota Constitution. The proposed amendment "failed" to be passed, making Minnesota the only state to defeat similar successful proposed amendments in 30 other states. Perhaps these RCs can assist in encouraging the Minnesota legislature to pass a universal/expanded background check bill this coming session. HOPEFUL ACTION-HOPEFUL WORDS
Pope Francis said recently in a provocative interview: "This church with which we should be thinking is the home of all, not a small chapel that can hold only a small group of selected people. We must not reduce the bosom of the universal church to a nest protecting our mediocrity." Pope Francis seems to be openly inclusive, faithfully and lovingly critical, willing to engage the warp and woof of diversity, and embrace an ecumenical spirit within the Body of Christ. He further says: "...the church has become obsessed with gays, abortion, and contraception to the detriment of its larger mission to be home for all." HOPEFUL WORDS
Finally, Secretary of State, John Kerry, is engaging in diplomatic efforts with Russia and Syria to eliminate the danger of chemical warfare in Syria, with Israel and Palestine to create a peaceful solution to their decades long impasse, and now with Iran regarding its nuclear intentions. Diplomacy instead of war. HOPEFUL WORDS-HOPEFUL ACTIONS
I love the hymn which begins "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." And another hymn which was also Linda's and my wedding hymn, "Lord of all Hopefulness." Paul's mantra in Romans 5 weds hope with life: "Suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope. And hope does not disappoint."