Thursday, October 1, 2009

Leadership: Top Ten

Hurray for leadership! It seems that leaders are flourishing! The 24/7 news cycle, the blogosphere, the internet, MSNBC, Fox, Air America, and.... The voices and pundits of leadership abound! But as the saying goes, "There are leaders and there are leaders". It sounds a bit like a "Yogi-ism": "When you come to a fork in the road, take it". Well, for what it is worth, in David Letterman fashion, I will list my Top Ten Leaders, or groupings, divided into constructive and destructive, with the understanding that all ten exhibit shades of the other, and that in Biblical fashion, "none is righteous, no not one". But there might be a tilt one way or the other!

President Barack Obama: He has accepted the challenge of trying to provide health care for all Americans. He has engaged the Muslim world in a spirit of partnership. He has opened America to equal partnership with the rest of the world, putting to rest a bully type attitude. He is more sensitive to the challenges posed by global warming and there are bills moving through congress seeking to address these concerns. He is working to close Guantanamo, to exit our troops from Iraq, is re-evaluating our Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, and is engaging Iran with a greater sincerity and intelligence than before. The stimulus plan is working-somewhat with the economy slowly rebounding. Yes, in every effort listed there are short-comings, and the end results are not yet in sight, nor are the strategies as focused as many would like, but at least on balance he is addressing the issues in a constructive manner, with an ear to justice and peace.
Congressman Winer and Senator Waymer: I hope I got their names right! Congressman Winer truly understands the stakes in the health care debate. He is for a single payer system and understands how the insurance companies are gouging the American taxpayer and harming people in need of health insurance. Likewise, Senator Wayner and his "free choice" amendment to the health care bill. He wants all Americans to have a true choice in selecting their health insurance, just like members of congress have choice. It must also be an affordable choice.
Senators Rockefeller and Schumer: Both sit on the Senate Finance Committee and have proposed "public option" plans. Both were defeated, but because of their efforts, the public option is on the table. One of the best ways to win is to "not go away", and the losses were close.
Arianna Huffington: Arianna is editor of the on-line Huffington Post. The HP holds all people accountable, all political parties, all persuasions. Her standards are justice for all, earth care for all, equality for all. She has great compassion as well as a passion for what makes for peace.
The Comedy Central Team, Rachel Maddow and Keith Oberman: Satire and truth-telling to keep us focused. They expose the under-belly of the political landscape and jibe its hypocracy.
Glenn Beck, Fox News, Lou Dobbs: Excellent at twisting facts, blindly nationalistic, overtly and covertly racist and nativist, depressingly uncivil, examples of the decline of thoughtful discource, good at name-calling, seed-bed of the "birthers" and "deathers".
Senator Max Baucus of Montana: In the pocket of the insurance companies, against a single payer system from the beginning, and against the public option. Captive to blind bi-partisanship and the need for 60 votes at the cost of true health reform. Spineless. The worst person at the most important moment in history to chair this most crucial Senate Committee.
Sarah Palin: Absolutely in love with herself! There isn't a camera she doesn't love! An ad agency which is responsible for booking her for speeches says her marketability has declined significantly, especially in the high priced circles. Why? Because "she's a blithering idiot"! Yes, she has a seven figure book deal, she will continue "blithering" to her minions, and she will probably wind up on Fox with a TV show. And yes, she believes she is presidential material. She is certainly a "legend in her own mind". Deliver us! Political eye candy! If we are not careful she will be the next Republican Presidential Nominee! And president???!!!
Right Wing Militias: Again on the rise. These malcontents are scary. Playing war games on weekends in the name of Jesus and the Constitution. If you don't have an AK-47 in your home you are not patriotic! The wonderful work of the Southern Poverty Law Center has got these folks pegged right: American Brownshirts and budding SS Stormtroopers.
Us: Our silence. Our acceptance of powerlessness.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Just discovered your blogspot and will check in regularly...thanks for the thoughts!
