Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Power Rightly Used

When we have power, we are duty bound to use it rightly. We may recall former President Bush stating shortly after his re-election: "I have political capital and I expect to use it". His goal was to privatize a portion of Social Security. Fortunately, he failed. I would call his efforts the wrong use of power.

Likewise, President Obama, Congress, and we as citizens, are faced with using power rightly. Health care pits universal right against corporate profit, funding for abortion against pro-choice, stem cell research against embryonic destruction. The wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq pit a vaguely defined "war on terror" against the question of national interest, the human cost on all sides against a seemingly non-debated "justification of these wars". The economic meltdown pits corporate profit, marketing manipulation to lure people into debt, bankruptcy, greed, usury, against living within our means, corporate responsibility, people/worker friendliness, and economic justice. And the list goes on....

What are some standards and power questions for using power rightly? 1) JUSTICE: Is power used for the benefit of all?; 2) LOVE: Is there respect for the dignity of each person?; 3) OPPORTUNITY: Does each person have access to resources to pursue their dreams?; 4) COMMON GOOD: How do actions aid the development of community living?; 5) EARTH SENSITIVE: How do our actions demonstrate a commitment to long term earth care?; 6) NONVIOLENCE: How do we respect natural death and prevent wanton disregard for life?; 7) PATRIOTISM: How can we be patriots and not nationalists?; 8) ACCESS: How can all people have access to resources for living?; 9) DIVERSITY: How can we respect our differences, listen creatively, and deepen our character through interactive conversation?; 10) PEACE: What actions promote creatively living together?; 11) FAITH: What points us beyond self focus?; 12) MISSION: What are the causes that serve the well-being of others that drive our passion for living?; 13) WORLDLINESS: What efforts expand our world view to realize our inter-connectedness?

Each of us has power. Power is a gift of God. I believe Jesus calls us to use it rightly, and in this way make real the Reign of God.


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