Last week, Linda and I attended a hearing of the Public Safety Committee of the Minnesota House of Representatives who were debating a proposed gun control bill. I had been asked to give testimony in support of the bill as I was now on the Board of Protect Minnesota, an organization that promotes gun control. The hearing room was packed full, with the gun control group outnumbering the gun support group by 2:1. Several of the gun support group had T-shirts saying: "Civil Rights are Gun Rights." A person on our side passed out large buttons with pictures of those who were murdered at Newtown.
A Republican legislator asked two of the clergy testifiers how they would interpret the story in Luke about Jesus telling his disciples to arm themselves because they were going out into a threatening world. Neither of the clergy responded because the question was more of a statement by the representative and they had only one minute each to make their own statements. I don't think he wanted a response.
As I sat in the audience, my mind immediately said, "Enough!" That's what Jesus said. After the hearing, I went up to the legislator and said,"You asked a good question." Then I told him that Jesus said, "Enough!", that Jesus' response was more of a rebuke than a call to arms, that Jesus is unabashedly nonviolent. He said he disagreed with me. OK. He asked me to pray for his grandson who was in the hospital with a jaundice. I said I would. I did, several times. He said he was former ELCA, but now was Missouri Synod. He said something like, "We can agree on prayer." Yes, we can.
At the same time, a 20 year five month Navy veteran walked up, packing a Glock in full view. We chatted a bit in a friendly manner. He said he was grateful that the Founding Fathers were Christians who included the Second Amendment in the Constitution. I said most of the Founding Fathers were Deists and some were Christians. This caused him to do a double take. He asked if I had read a certain historian. I had read some of his writings. He is a popular Right-wing historian who bends history and sees history through a Christian evangelical lens, trumpeting American exclusivism, American righteousness, American chosenness. You know. I told him to read some other historians for a fuller account of American history. There were no more friendly looks.
I think it is fair to say that the testimonies of the two groups were marked by significant differences. The gun control group included several clergy who had personally conducted funerals due to gun violence, several more clergy representing various denominations, two mothers who had lost children to gun violence, a state leader in police work, and another state leader. The statements were a mix of theology, personal grief, and reasoned statistical support. The other side included no clergy, no state leaders. The comments were personal pleas in defense of guns, a question which had already been resolved, and a plea that legislators could save lives by banning abortions. She had to be told to stay on the subject. Another accused gun control advocates of bullying, when asked to name names, he could not.
The result of this hearing was the passage of a weakened bill, 10 to 9, with one Democrat switching sides. The proposed bill now tightens the gun show loop-hole, but does nothing about private sales background checks. The hope is that the Senate bill which is much tougher will add to the strength of the House bill, and that the reconciled bill will be stronger, passable, and signable by the governor. This was a victory mainly based in hope.
Meanwhile, a group in our congregation has proposed a "Response to Violence" series of actions. During the discussion, a former Vietnam vet pulled a knife saying "Rule #9: when attacked, you attack. Don't try to run." Half wanted to avoid the term "gun" when that was what brought us together. A strong attempt was made to diffuse gun violence with other safety issues. We will see if the Planning Council passes the R2V for referral to the congregation. Meanwhile, Washington debates gun control measures. Meanwhile, nearly 3,000 people have died due to gun related deaths since Newtown. Meanwhile, Colorado passes strong gun control laws! Thank you, Colorado! You are a national light in the darkness!
Meanwhile, when will we all say "Enough!"? When will we do what Jesus did? It is Holy Week. Jesus told Peter "No more of this!" and then healed the ear.