Previously, I presented a theological and practical foundation for the necessity of renewed pastoral formation in the areas of peace-justice-nonviolence. What follows is what was affirmed by the Joint Peace with Justice Committee of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Area Synods and presented for consideration to the Curriculum Committee at Luther Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.
When a seminary student graduates from LTS, we believe the student
Be equipped to address socio-political-environmental issues from a biblical and confessional
perspective, as well as having formed their personal views
Be versed in the various social statements of the ELCA
Be familiar with strategies of nonviolence and how to empower transformative change
Recognize that being a pastor also means being prophetic
Dare to embrace times calling one to be counter-cultural
Know how to engage and preach prophetically on socio-political issues
Develop skills in working ecumenically to address community issues
Develop skills in addressing local, state, national, and global issues
Develop skills in recognizing stewardship to include working for peace and justice
Know the difference: charity and justice, personal and systemic
Familiarity with Major and Minor Prophets
Familiarity with New Testament Ethics: Gospels and Letters
Familiarity with theology and methods of historical and modern activists such as: Cesar
Chavez, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jim Wallis, Gandhi, Desmond Tutu, Robin Meyers,
Shana Claiborne, Dorothy Day, and others
Familiarity with Luther's Ethics
Familiarity with ethical giants: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Reinhold and Richard Niebuhr, Douglas
John Hall, Walter Brueggemann, Walter Wink, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Joan
Chitester, Sallie McFague, Diana Butler Bass, and others
Professors in various courses integrate peace-justice-nonviolence into their material
During seminary, become part of a group which deals with nonviolent socio-political
change: ISAIAH, JPJC, Minnesota Without Poverty, Protect Minnesota, various
environmental groups, and others
Preceding the above design details, were several texts and quotes fro PJNV giants, such as:
God has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted
up the lowly; God has filled the hungry with good things, and sent
the rich away empty.
Luke 1:52-53
We call you...to speak for justice in behalf of the poor and oppressed....
"Christians need to know that six million Jews were murdered by
baptized Christians in the heart of Christendom. There would
not have been a Third Reich if Protestants and Catholics had
not betrayed their Baptism."
Dr. Franklin Littell
"When someone says the word 'pastor' these days, what image
come to mind? We still occupy a respected profession, but we tend
not to be 'resisters.' We are not sent off to seminary to learn the
arts of noncompliance. We learn how to run churches, how to
be present in love, how to preach sermons that won't get us fired -
all good things. But who teaches us how to be subversive?....
How many ministers could honestly be described as threats
to the status quo?"
Robin Meyers
Already there is a hopeful sign. A seminary professor has contacted me about getting together and developing an experiential PJNV experience for seminarians when they would meet and work with local people committed to nonviolent social change.
Pray for the Church and the seminarians.