Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Conversation with Michelle

In Colorado, our U.S. House Representative was a Marilyn.  In Minnesota, our U.S, House Representative is a Michelle, you know,  Michelle Bachmann, the Tea Party Queen, or at least the Princess.  What is unique about them is that both of them are very conservative, doctrinaire, ideologically pure Republicans.  I confess that I have sometimes included them in the category of "Crazies on the Right."

They are also professing Christians. Hence, I am to love the enemy.  Yet, I must also realize that they are also part of the Body of Christ.

I signed on to a Michelle Bachmann tele-conference last Monday evening.  I registered online, indicating I would be interested in participating.  I received a call and joined the exchange.  Michelle was polite, energetic, thoughtful, a good listener, knowledgeable, and nicely Christian.  At the conclusion of the conference she said: "Thank you for calling.  God bless America and God bless you all." She is clearly sincere.  It is hard not to like her personally.  I could easily pray with her and have a stimulating faith conversation.  She is a member of a non-denominational church near our home.

But then there is her politics.  She is known as one who plays fast and loose with facts.  She lived up to her reputation!  She hit the panic button when she said Social Security is on the edge and we must deal with it NOW or else!  Fact: SS is able to fully pay out until 2037.  She said the "Obamacare" health insurance plan will add to the nation's debt. Fact: The CBO says the new health care plan will cut about $400 million off the debt over the next ten years.  She said the average teacher's salary in the Milwaukee Public Schools is $100,000.  Fact: No way.  The average teacher's salary in Wisconsin is $48,000.  She said the Stimulus Bill was a waste of money.  Fact: Most economists agree the bill kept us from going over the financial edge.  Furthermore, the SB saved General Motors and Ford which are now turning a profit. She also expressed concern for the nation's debt and spoke of cuts, including cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

I was taking notes for my response, but time ran out.  All of the callers ahead of me praised her, except for a veteran who asked her why she voted against extending health benefits for vets.  She corrected him and said she supported the bill.

I did respond, however, to the automated response opportunity.  I shared the "facts" mentioned above.   I also commented on how to solve the indebtedness: 1) Cut the defense budget.  We have bases in 174 countries.  We cannot afford to be "cops of the world" and other nations must take more responsibility for defense; 2) Raise the contribution amount for Social Security from $106K to $180K.  Furthermore, quit borrowing from SS to pay other bills; 3) Tax the upper 5% of our nation's earners at a higher rate than what they are presently paying; 4) Halt off-shore tax havens for corporation and tax off-shore oil drilling at a fair amount.  Then the response time ran out.

Then there was: "God bless you."

I also have a Christian brother in a former parish who is a staunch Libertarian on the Far Right.  Our exchanges have been vigorous.

The challenge I face is dealing with politically diverse Christians CHRISTIANLY.  I don't think I am alone.  How?  My guidelines are: 1) Be prayerful.  Prayer reminds me that God listens to all of us. Prayer unites us.  Pray for the person in leadership. In prayer we take each others' hands across the miles and are one in the Spirit of Christ; 2) Keep conversation civil.  We are to respect each other.  Each person is created in the image of God; 3) Listen and learn.  There are grains of truth in most everything we hear.  Good ideas can come from "across the aisle"; 4) Know your facts.  Opinions are important, and the most helpful opinions are fact based.  At the same time, clarify facts and their sources; 5) Seek common ground, yet remember that God is on the side of justice and peace for all; 6) Remember "the least of these". I like what Paul Wellstone said: "We all do better when we all do better."; 7) "Keep on keepin' on" as Fannie Lou Hammer said.  Refuse to go away.  Remember the woman in the parable who kept going to the local judge insisting on justice; 8) Love.  Always love. Love changes lives.

It is not always easy, but neither was dying on the cross.

God bless you!



  1. What a thoughtful post. Thanks. One needs this in the world of news craziness

  2. Thanks for the post. One would believe that without lying Michelle B and her companions would have nothing to say. BTW, Ford took no stimulus money. You might also look into Chalmers Johnson (he died this year) and read his work on the need to drastically reduce defense spending. Oddly, he was a conservative defense consultant.

  3. According to, the official Stimulus Bill reporting site, Ford Motor Company received $93 million in contracts and $63 million in grants. Peace! Ron

  4. I'm in awe of what you know, Ron. Impressive post!
