Saturday, June 28, 2014


I recently attended a symposium on PREVENTING GUN VIOLENCE: THE PROBLEM, SOLUTIONS, AND WHAT THE SECOND AMENDMENT ALLOWS.  Presenters included: Jon Vernick, Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, Dr. Michael McGonigal, Trauma Services at Regions Hospital, Prof. Darrell Miller, Duke University School of Law, and Jon Lowy, Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

I came away with hope!  

First some facts and opinions by the speakers. 1) If the gun violence issue were mainly about White folks, there would be immediate action; 2) Having a gun in the house raises the possibility of domestic violence by 6 times; 3) 90% of guns involved in crime are handguns; 4) The cost to society for GV is $174 billion a year; 5) 1% of dealers sell 60% of guns used in crime; 6) There are about 50,000 licensed gun dealers in the US; 7) 40% of gun sales are not covered by back ground checks; 8) In most states, licensed private gun sales are not required; 9) Suicide success rate with guns is 90%, and with pills 1%; 10) The USA is the only Western Industrialized Nation that has not addressed gun violence; 11) 90% of public and 75% of NRA members support universal background checks; 12) We need to remember that the Second Amendment has two parts: one relating to the right to bear arms, but also this right must be seen in the context of the historical need for a standing militia.  

What actions can move us towards more gun violence prevention? First of all, the right to bear arms is not unlimited. Although the Heller decision was a victory for individuals' right to bear arms, there are situations that would prevent this right.  Furthermore, states can adopt gun violence prevention laws.  Universal confiscation is not allowable. For example, the fact that universal background checks "are more popular than ice cream," means that states and federal officials can pass universal background check laws.  It becomes a matter of judicial and political will. One presenter said: "Federal law is the floor.  State law is the ceiling."  The point is the states can pass laws beyond what the federal officials can pass.

Similarly, gun manufacturers have special exemptions and immunity from lawsuits if their weapons is used unlawfully.  Laws can be passed to eliminate these exemptions.  

There are laws that prevent research into the questions surrounding gun violence.  Furthermore, information cannot be made public through the Freedom of Information Act.  The solution: pass a law that allows gun violence research AND the free dissemination of factual data. Let decisions be based upon facts and not ideology or political party.  

One speaker made a prescient statement which seemed to reflect that of the panel: "The United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people.  We don't have a more violent society.  We have a more lethal society."  

We in the church need to mobilize our parishioners to press our elected officials, to pass laws that mandate universal background checks, to allow funding for gun violence prevention research, to demand the release of data which enables the public to approach the issue factually.  We need to insist that gun violence is BOTH a person problem AND a gun availability problem.  We need to demand that our elected officials take action for the safety of our homes and families.  We in the church can sponsor gun safety courses in our congregations.  We need to seize the freedoms we have within the church to promote safety and action.

There is hope if we demand and work for it.  After all, we have Jesus on our side!



Friday, June 20, 2014

Travel and the Reign of God

I have previously written how travel experiences are metaphors for revealing the Reign of God. Linda and I just returned from four weeks travel in Russia, Spain, and France. Here are some metaphors that are windows to the Reign of God.

We signed on to a tour with RoadScholars.  I met two people who presented a human face of Russia.  Nicolai was a musician on the river boat who played the balalaika, a traditional 3-stringed instrument similar to a guitar.  I asked him if he would give me a lesson as I loved the instrument and want to purchase and play the balalaika.  He taught with skill and patience, he spoke only Russian and French and I only English.   Nicolai had a great smile and magic fingers who could make the instrument sound as it was created to perform.

Sergei  owned a delightful small house in the Russian village of Goritzky.  Linda and I were walking a street and we noticed this charming house.  We took a picture.  The owner came out and invited us in. I went in. (Linda waited outside anxiously.)  The inside had the same charm as the outside. I learned it was his birthday.  We sang "Happy Birthday" together.  He placed a bottle of unopened vodka on the table along with two glasses.  He motioned for me to pour.  I toasted "To Sergei.  Happy birthday!" We "shot" the vodka!  Whew!  Strong stuff!  He smiled!  I sang "Happy Birthday" again.  

Russia now is more than a nation with an ideology and politic.  Now Russia  has a human face.  "And God created [humankind]....And it was good."  "Welcome the stranger."

We met our daughter, her husband, and two grandchildren in Barcelona.  Together, we visited several Antoni Gaudi sites.  Gaudi was an idiosyncratic architect who created remarkable structures suitable for varied purposes.  He was the major influence for the La Sagrada Familia Cathedral, begun in 1882 and scheduled for completion in 2036.  Sweeping and fresh worship center, conveying Christ and celebrating nature!  Parc Guell is a fanciful park with a whimsical spirit!  Then there is Casa Milla or La Pedrera, a modernist apartment with a totally unique interior/exterior design. Previously, I had not seen anything like these structural designs.  I think of Revelation 21: "Behold, I make all things new!"

Linda and I cared for our two grandchildren, Anja and Milla, while the parents had a night out in Paris. We took them to the Anne Frank Park and the Place des Vosges, one of Europe's first planned squares. Henry IV was going to live there until he was assassinated.  Victor Hugo wrote Les Miserables while living in a corner apartment.  Today, the square has four fountains, grassy areas for hanging out, benches for relaxation, and many children's play apparatus.  Anja and Milla let themselves go in these two places!  Laughter, running, freedom, celebration of life!  "I believe I shall see the goodness of God in the land of the living!" Psalm 27:13

If you want to visit chateaus (castle-like homes), travel the Loire Valley in central France.  We visited Villandry, Chaumont, d'Azay-le-Rideau, and Chambord.  The interiors are quite similar: mostly empty rooms with windows, stone or wood floors.  I guess it is too expensive to furnish the rooms with period furnishings.  In most cases it is the exteriors that set each apart.  The structures are architecturally creative, and stony! The many gardens at Villandry are design masterpieces, each unique, some with flowers, others with shrubbery and trees, some with sculptures.  Chaumont has an International Garden which this year featured creations exemplifying the "7 deadly Sins", using gardening and some solid structures to be "sin metaphors."  Wonderfully expressed!  Chambord has a hugely expansive estate!  Get out your walking shoes!  Chambord is also the largest chateau.  In every case, I asked "How could these mostly empty elephants be creatively utilized today?"  Also, "What was the real purpose of taking years to construct and spending huge amounts of money?"  Ego?  Status?  But here they exist, taking up land, and empty of life other than the presence of tourists.  Could they be utilized as living arrangements?  Could they be used as treatment centers? I think of the purpose of buildings.  We can remember Solomon's Temple, Herod's Temple, and the majestic city of Babylon.  We can think of our church structures today.  How are they used?  Is what we do with these buildings pleasing to God?

Travel is filled with metaphors for revealing the Reign of God.  The Holy Spirit enlightens us with possibilities and truth!

